
Doodle 4 Google

Abby entered this year's Doodle 4 Google contest!
The theme was "If I could travel in time, I'd visit..."

True to Abby-form, she chose the topic of the current book series she is reading.  It's all about Arthur and the knights of the round table and quests and rescuing fair maidens.

There were over 114,000 entries from every state grades K-12.  She didn't make it to the finals this time, but I think her artwork is just as fabulous as those that did (if not better! ;)

You can go HERE to see the finalists and vote for your favorite.


  1. Yes! Very well done Abby! Very creative.

  2. Abby, This is terrific! I am so impressed with the way you tied things together. I'm voting for your artwork.


it's good to hear from you!