
Book Cover ReStyle

 Don't you love this book?  A friend gave it to us when we were expecting #1.  It has been much loved and the book jacket was just about loved to pieces.  I hated to toss it when the colors and the artwork are some of my faves so...I repurposed it!

I finished tearing it up into several pieces and glued them onto a square canvas that was just waiting to be given new life.  Now it is hanging in our "little house".

This was my first contribution to Project ReStyle.  Project ReStyle is a sort of challenge to take something that is unwanted, unused, or about to be thrown away and restyle it.  Anyone can participate! Check out the details here.


  1. That is such a wonderful idea Becca! I hate to throw those away, especially if they are from "much loved" books.


it's good to hear from you!