
Halloween Wreath Tutorial

Here is what I started with:

plastic lids
zip ties

The zip ties I found at a Big Lots that was relocating--got them for half price which means the grand total for this project was a little over $1!!!  Oh yeah!

I cut the middle out of the plastic lids.

Start putting zip ties on the ring.  Pull them tight and slide them close together.
Cover the entire ring.
And, well, that's pretty much it.  Easy peasy.

This is my finished product...

I snagged a spider from the boys room and added a bit of orange berries left over from last year's wreath.
Boo-tiful, don't ya think? (ha. ha. ha.)

Parting Thoughts:

I had 200 ties to start with. 
It made 2 spiders (show you those tomorrow), covered the ring of 1 gallon ice cream container and about 3/4 of the smaller plastic ring.

My 3 year old was totally into putting the zip ties on.  I need to remember this for the dark days of winter.
one bag of zip ties = at least 30 minutes of preschooler entertainment


  1. That is super cute and super simple. I am going to dig my cool whip lid out of the trash can.

  2. This is a very cool idea!
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    Greetings Miek


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